We are a christian ministry which offers a 10-step program, based on biblical principles which helps men and women experience sustainable healing and restoration of their lives and relationships. An abortion can have very negative ripple effects on your life. We are here for you to accompany you with our trained course leaders through your healing process.
Read these true stories of men and women who have found healing after an abortion. Get encouraged! If they can find healing, you can too. Don’t stay silent but have the courage for a new beginning. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Pastor Sonja Horswell | SaveOne Europe Director | Our main office | Endresstr. 125/1.Stock, 1230 Vienna
My name is Jacqueline, I am 20 years old and I was 17 when the termination of my pregnancy was carried out. At that time I was left alone with my decision…
“I don’t love you enough to have your child.” That was the only explanation I got from my girlfriend who would have been my child’s mother. I had no idea…
Although I wanted to have a child at the age of 15, I aborted my third child, who came very quickly after the second. I was going through a very difficult time…
With this individual or small group course, we offer you the opportunity to come to terms with your experiences and provide competent support for you to get well again. Take the time and have the courage to contact us for a no-obligation initial discussion. There is a charge for the recovery course itself.
A fresh start is awaiting you!
SaveOne Europe Director
Europe-wide Trainer
Tel: +43 (0) 660 1445076
SaveOne Europe Men’s Director
Europe-wide Trainer
Tel: +43 (0) 664 8273812
At the beginning of 2017, due to the constant growth, SaveOne Europe was established as an independent, non-profit donation-based organization under the direction of Sonja & Chris Horswell.
From 2008 to the end of 2016, the work of SaveOne Europe was carried out through the “Österreichische Lebensbewegung” under the leadership of Sonja Horswell and was separated from them at the end of December 2016.
The tax deductibility for donations was awarded on October 17, 2017 under the registration number: SO 10681. We thank you for your continued trust and support to help many women, men and families recover from an abortion experience.
We do not use any improper means to solicit donations. We are committed to integrity in all our promotions. We seek to objectively present the issues for which we collect donations. We reject the use of exaggeration in our communication along with the use of inappropriate marketing means.
The Chairwoman, Sonja Horswell, is responsible for fundraising through donation letters, information evenings and training courses, as well as for managing the donations received.
Use of Donations
The use of funds is determined by the Board.
Data Protection
The responsible person is Christopher Horswell.
We send out our newsletter maximum 1x per month.
Mobile +43 660 144 50 76
E-Mail: office@saveoneeurope.org
SaveOne Europe
IBAN: AT772011182939841600
Tax Deductibility: SO 10681
Hungereckstrasse 60/3
1230 Vienna, Austria
Monday: | 10 am – 5 pm |
Wednesday: | 10 am – 5 pm |
Thursday: | 10 am – 5 pm |
My name is Jacqueline, I am 20 years old and I was 17 when the termination of pregnancy was carried out. At that time I was alone with my decision and saw no other way but to decide to abort.
After the abortion I felt empty and let down. When I got home, in the bathroom in front of the same mirror in front of which I had considered myself pregnant, I now only felt soulless. That was the beginning of the end. From then on, I only had nightmares and my depression worsened. I had no one to talk to and no one who could understand me in any way. I tried everything to take my own life, but for fear of my little brother I just couldn’t make it.
Almost 3 years after the abortion, I was ready to face my past with SaveOne – despite Sonja’s warnings that it would not be easy. I was determined from the start to pull it off.
It was a very big step for me: without faith or trust in God or other people I came to the course very sceptically. But from week to week faith and trust in God came. I went through highs and lows and experienced the most difficult moments when God was with me. I am sure that God has been with me all my life and has always brought me further, right here at SaveOne.
I cried a lot during the 12 weeks, but I have to say honestly: it was so relieving as if someone was taking the entire burden off me, like a big boulder with all the painful memories. Now, after the course, I no longer have nightmares and I can easily talk about everything without tears coming and getting back all the feelings and memories of that time. And also with my new partner, with whom I have been living for 3 years now, it is much better, because I no longer take my anger etc. out of him. I am so thankful that God brought me here where I am now and that he has my daughter with him. I am certain that I will see them again someday.
“I don’t love you enough to have children with you”. That was the only explanation I got from my girlfriend who would have been my child’s mother. In a ten-minute phone call, I heard from the woman I thought I would marry that I had been a father for two or three months. I had no idea that she was pregnant. I was depressed for several months afterwards. I didn’t want to go to my university seminars anymore, I didn’t eat and a four-year addiction to pornography began.
I didn’t stop going to church or believing in God at the time. But I felt like a hypocrite and that made my feelings much worse. During these years of pain, guilt, and shame, it never occurred to me that maybe that was because I needed inner healing. I thought I was “over it”.
When I was 26, six years after this bad experience, I heard about SaveOne. I read an advert about the start of a new course where men were also invited. I knew right away that I should go there. I thought I was healed but had to realize that there was still pain and grief for the lost child in me.
I was the only man on the SaveOne course. I was newly married and my wife took the courageous step to accompany me to the course (she never had an abortion herself).
Through SaveOne I have found forgiveness and healing, and inner peace that comes from knowing that God still loves me.
Although I already wanted to have a child when I was 15, I aborted my third child, who came very quickly after the second. After breastfeeding my daughter, I had a major breast operation and under no circumstances could I imagine how I should now care for another small child. I got an address from a friend, it was not anything significant, she said, she had already done it three times and so I also solved this unpleasant problem.
Of course, I could not have known that it would affect my entire life. Although I’ve never had a guilty conscience or grief as far as I can remember, a lot happened in my life. Two divorces, always looking for love and the need to be loved.
For over 40 years I always had the same nightmares … I saw dead babies floating past me in a river … I knew I had a child that I had forgotten to feed for days … and I was always looking for my children.
When I was invited to take the SaveOne course, I didn’t think that I personally would need this course. I didn’t have any obvious problems with abortion, or so I thought. And it took a few chapters to get to my heart, to feel addressed, to understand what I had done to my unborn daughter.
God led me through the chapters, made me feel what I had done, and began to gently heal me step by step. I got my healing without judgment, without punishment and without charge, in pure love from him. A lot of junk has been cleared out of me, a lot of forgiveness has taken place and I can only recommend to anyone who is affected to take this course with God’s Word.
God doesn’t want us to carry this burden for our whole lifetime.
BUT only HE can free us from it.
You have probably tried several times to find out about getting help after an abortion, have tried a few things to alleviate your pain and are now ready to take the step to come to terms with what you experienced.
Abortion is a trauma and it takes specific steps to recover from.
SaveOne is a 10-step program based on biblical principles and delivered through individual courses, or very effectively in small group courses, at a specific location. We do also offer recovery courses using Skype or Zoom where meeting personally is not possible.
Do read through the personal life stories on our website as they will give you encouragement to ask for an initial discussion. This is without any cost or obligation.
Do not hold back from calling or writing to us, even if this seems an unfamiliar way of dealing with things.
Post-abortion consequences can appear immediately or years later, such as:
• nightmares, having trouble sleeping
• feelings die away
• uncontrollable thoughts about being pregnant again
• depression or extreme hyperactivity
• suicidal thoughts
• self-harming behaviour
• rage and outbursts of anger
• emotional lows on the anniversary of the abortion or the calculated date of birth, and much more
The SaveOne teams include those affected by abortion who have gone through the SaveOne course, experienced pastoral counsellors and therapists. You will be protectively accompanied through the process of healing.
We offer an initial discussion (around 1 hour) without any cost or obligation. In this way you can ask your questions by meeting with us either in person, or via Skype or Zoom, so you can then decide if this course is the right one for you.
If you are interested in talking to us, then just write to office@saveoneeurope.org and let us know. We are glad to help you.
You have probably already realized that your abortion has left its mark on you and that you would like help and support to come to terms with it.
You need to take your time to come to terms with the trauma, because coming to terms with a trauma is not a “quick fix”. Perhaps you supressed your abortion for a long time and so it can take some time to bring things we suppress back to the surface.
Over 10 weeks each with 2 hours per week working together with the SaveOne workbook, we will accompany you on your journey of healing.
You can find out about the cost of the 10-week course during the initial discussion.
Small group courses as well as individual courses are offered, but courses via Skype or Zoom are also available.
Wherever possible the course times are set to suit the individual.
Following the 10 weeks of coming to terms with the abortion, we organize an extra celebration evening for all course participants.
You can invite friends and family, and other people who are important to you.
On this evening you will find a good completion to what you have experienced and, like many before you, be able to celebrate new strength, courage and joy in life.