
Here you will find various books on the topic and materials in different languages, that you can use during a post abortion recovery course or miscarriage recovery course.

Lass uns reden - Let us talk Filmdocumentation (90 min) with EN subtitles incl. 20 pages booklet

Six women and two men who speak about their motives, their fears and their hopes. Four experts who contribute their experiences from different perspectives. A Poetry Slammer who expresses the thoughts and feelings of many of those affected in the staccato of her words. A film that does not judge. A documentary that breaks the silence. Let us talk is an innovative film project from Performance Picture Entertainment OG in cooperation with SaveOne Europe in Vienna. Director Tamás Kiss together with Music composer Christian Heschl, Poetry Slammer Adina Wilcke and a team of artists, dared to tackle a taboo subject and to give it impressive expression trough those affected. The documentary film for the German speaking world with eight personal testimonies of women and men. With the different outcomes, experiences, possible effects (for example, after an abortion) and how they dealt with them. What were the reactions from outside and how do those affected deal with bringing a child into the world who is not wanted by their environment? Four experts analyse the problem.

Ein Neubeginn | Real Stories of Healing after Abortion | Geschichten von Heilung nach Abtreibung (English and German NEW) with Sheila Harper

SAVEONE Testimonies in bilingual book form (German and English), ca 240 pages with hardcover. Ready to order. Mainstream voices may say that having an abortion is "no big deal", "the right choice to make given circumstances", or the "solution to your problem," but there is another side to the story. Today, women and men, full of courage, are stepping into the light to share their real stories after an abortion - stories of brokenness, destruction, and struggle but also of hope in the restorative power of God. These are their stories. There is pain but there is also transformation, healing, and new beginnings. Open your heart of compassion to see them, to hear them, and if you too are suffering after an abortion - believe that the same healing can happen in your own life!

SaveOne Workbook for Men (English)

The SaveOne men's book is written for men seeking deliverance from the pain and guilt of an abortion experience. This is a guide as well as a workbook researched and collaborated on by Jack and Sheila Harper. This couple understands the pain, shame and guilt from abortion. They have also experienced the glorious deliverance that comes from God’s abundant grace. We strongly encourage you not to go through this workbook alone, but rather contact a SaveOne leader in your area who will be pleased to help you.

SaveOne Workbook for Men (German)

The SaveOne men's book is written for men seeking deliverance from the pain and guilt of an abortion experience. This is a guide as well as a workbook researched and collaborated on by Jack and Sheila Harper. This couple understands the pain, shame and guilt from abortion. They have also experienced the glorious deliverance that comes from God’s abundant grace. We strongly encourage you not to go through this workbook alone, but rather contact a SaveOne leader in your area who will be pleased to help you.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (English) by Sheila Harper

This is a guide for women as well as a workbook, researched and written by a woman who herself had an abortion when she was a teenager. For seven years, author Sheila Harper carried with her the shame and humiliation of her abortion, only to find deliverance through God`s abundant grace. This book is a revealing look at post-abortion pain and guilt, emotions that have been left unchecked, out of control, for months, perhaps years. We strongly encourage you not to work through this workbook by yourself, but to contact a SaveOne leader in your area who will be pleased to help you.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (German - New Edition) by Sheila Harper

A guide to emotional healing after an abortion. This book serves as a guide as well as a workbook and was written by a woman who experienced an abortion herself as a teenager. For seven years, author Sheila Harper had carried the depression and suicidal thoughts from her abortion with her until she was set free by God's immeasurable intervention. We strongly encourage you not to work through this workbook by yourself, but to contact a SaveOne leader in your area who will be happy to help you.

VISKANJU SEBE | Obnovitev svoje identitete po spolni zlorabi (Slovene) - Sheila Harper

Knijzica z naslovom V ISKANJU SEBE je hkrati vodnik in svetopisemsko proucevanje zu zenske in moske, ki iscejo ozdravljenje od posledic travmaticne izkusnje spolne zlorabe. Ne glede na to, kdaj se je zloraba zgodila, pred 10,20 ali 50 leti, lahko odlozis to travamaticno izkusnjo in spremenis nacin razmisljana o tistem obdobju svojega zivljenja.

Post Abortion and Post Miscarriage Brochure (English)

40 pages of Information about the potential consequences of an abortion and the support for dealing with them. Siblings & other family members are also affected - find out how! Also includes help with miscarriage and stillbirth as well as information on SaveOne for the local church, individuals, and small groups Europewide. References – Studies – Testimonies – SaveOne contacts for help - Men and abortion - Couples and abortion – PASS – PTSD – Siblings - Offers for churches. Published in 2018.

Post Abortion and Post Miscarriage Brochure (German)

SaveOne brochure with 43 pages - After an abortion and after a miscarriage - Information about possible consequences and help for dealing with them. Included are life stories of men and women, current studies, references, contact points throughout Europe and book suggestions.

PRONACI SEBE - Obnova osobnog identiteta nakon seksualne traume (Sheila Harper) CROATIAN

Preporucila bih ovaj program svakome tko je patio zbog zlostavljanja. Neka ti Bog pomogne. Nemoj da te vise zlostavljac drzi zarobljenu. Polaznik programma Pronaci SEBE.

SaveOne Men's Flyer - Post abortion stress in men (English)

Quantity 100 pieces. Men are also affected by the consequences of an abortion. Looks at the likely symptoms and common consequences as well as why men can need help with these issues.

SaveOne Men's Flyer - Post abortion stress in men (German)

Quantity 100 pieces. Men are also affected by the consequences of an abortion. Looks at the likely symptoms and common consequences as well as why men can need help with these issues.

SaveOne Women's Flyer (English and German)

Quantity 100 pieces. Bilingual: English & German. Contains recovery course preparation course content and information about SaveOne Europe including personal statements.

Survivor - a journey through abortion and back (English)

Survivor is the true-life story of Sheila Harper and her journey through an unwanted pregnancy, the decision to abort, and the life she lived afterward. It's an honest, first-hand account of the reality in the abortion clinic, the aftermath of abortion, the strong emotions, the struggles with years of unforgiveness, and more surrounding the decision. If you need help finding someone to talk to about this choice.... this book is for you.

Survivor - a journey through abortion and back (German)

Survivor is the true-life story of Sheila Harper and her journey through an unwanted pregnancy, the decision to abort, and the life she lived afterward. It's an honest, first-hand account of the reality in the abortion clinic, the aftermath of abortion, the strong emotions, the struggles with years of unforgiveness, and more surrounding the decision. If you need help finding someone to talk to about this choice.... this book is for you.

Survivor - a journey through abortion and back (Hungarian)

TÚLÉLŐ Az abortuszon átvezető út és a visszatérés - A TÚLÉLŐ Sheila Harper igaz története arról az útjáról, ahogy egy nemkívánt terhessége miatt az abortusz mellett döntött, és utána hogyan változott meg az élete. Ez a könyv szemtől szem[1]be Megtapasztalhatod első kézből (képszerűen megjelenítve) az abortusz klinika működését, a vad, féktelen érzelmi reakci[1]ókat, a megbocsátatlanság küzdelmeit és még sokkal többet, ami körülveszi ezt a döntést. Meg fogod látni Isten csodálatos kimenekítését ebből a helyzetből Sheila számára, aki azt gon[1]dolta, hogy semmi értelme az életének, és nincs kihez fordulni segítségért. De Isten a legszörnyűbb tévedésén keresztül meg[1]ragadta, hogy felhasználja egy világméretű szolgálat megszü[1]letéséhez, hogy férfiaknak és nőknek segítsen szabaddá válni az abortusz választásától.

Finding You - Healing after a sexual trauma (Book) by Sheila Harper

"Finding You" is a guide as well as a Bible study for men and women seeking healing and freedom from the after effcts of sexual trauma. Whether the abuse happened 10,20, or 50 years ago, you can put away this trauma and reframe your thoughts concerning this time in your life. This book will take you on a journey helping you work through renewing your mind. "Finding You" will help you remove your focus from the trauma or the abuser, and help you focus on the freedom found through Jesus Christ. He is the Healer and you will see Christ in a whole new light through the exercises, scriptures, and questions worked through each week. Our goal is to help you find freedom, healing and a new sense of purpose and destiny for your life. Perfect for small group study.

Finding You - TRAINING VIDEOS (English) by Sheila Harper

The Finding You training videos (11) are a guide through our Finding You Bible study, teaching you how to conduct the sexual truama recovery small group study. You will learn directly from Sheila Harper, the founder, and president of SaveOne, as well as Dr. Paulette Swiger, SaveOne´s Finding You specialist, and many Finding You Group leaders. You will receive a link and a password to view the videos as soon as you have purchased them. Don't forget to order alongside the training video the workbook Finding You! No postage!

SaveOne Workbook for Men (Hungarian)

Tanulmány férfiaknak - olyan férfiak számára jött létre, akik szabadulást keresnek az abortusz fájdalmától és terhét ől. Ez egy útmutató és egyben munkafüzet is, melyet kutató munkája során együtt írt meg Jack Harper és Sheila Harper. Ez a házaspár megérti az abortusz okozta fájdalmat, szé[1]gyent és vádlást, de megtapasztalták a dicsőséges szabadulást is, ami Isten b őséges kegyelméb ől fakad. Ez a könyv feltárja az abortusz utáni trauma, fájdalom és b űntudat eredetét. A munkafüzet végig követése segíteni fog a megbocsátás, a harag, a b űntudat és helytelen gondolatok hosszadalmas kiveze[1]tő útjai rátalálására.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Albanian)

Një guide për shërimin emocional pas abortit - SaveOne është për vajzat dhe gratë që kërkojnë çlirimin nga dhimbja dhe fajësia e një aborti. ky është një udhëzues, si dhe një libër pune, hulumtuar dhe shkruar nga një grua që ka kryer abort kur ishte adoleshente. Për shtatë vjet, Sheila Harper mbante me vete turpin dhe poshtërimin e abortit të saj, vetëm për të gjetur shpëtimin nëpërmjet hirit të bollshëm të Perëndisë.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Bulgarian)

Пътеводител към духовно изцеление след аборт - SAVEONE е за момичета и жени, които търсят освобождение от болката и чувството за вина аборт. Това е ръководство, както и работна книга, проучена и написана от жена, която е направила аборт, когато е била тийнейджър. В продължение на седем години, Шейла Харпър носеше със себе си само срама и унижението от аборта си да "освобождаване чрез изобилната благодат на Бог.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Croatian)

Vodic zu emocionalno iscjeljenje nakon abortusa.- SaveOne je za djevojke i zene koje traze oslobodenje od boli i krivnje abortusa. Ovo je prirucnik, ali i radni materijal koji je napisala zena koja je i sma imala bortus kao tinejdzerka. Sedam se godina Sheila Harper nosila sa sramom i ponizenjem svog abbortus, dok nije otkrila oslobodenje kroz Bozju preobilnu milost.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Hungarian)

Útmutató érzelmi gyógyuláshoz abortusz után - A SAVEONE azoknak a lányoknak és nőknek szól, akik megszabadulnak az abortusz fájdalmától és bűntudatától. Ez egy útmutató, valamint egy munkafüzet, amelyet egy nő tanulmányozott és írt, aki tinédzserkorban abortusz történt. Hét évig Sheila Harper vette magával az abortusz szégyenét és megalázását, csak hogy Isten bõséges kegyelmébõl szabaduljon meg.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Macedonian)

Водич за емоционално исцелуВање по абормтнус - SaveOne е за девојки и жени кои бараат ослободување од болката и од вината на абортусот. Оваа книга е водич, но и работна тетратка. Напишана е врз основа на истражувањата од жена која имала абортус кога била тинејџерка. Седум години, Шила Харпер ги носела со себе срамот и понижувањето од нејзиниот абортус, само да најде ослободување преку Божјата изобилна благодат.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Mandarin and English)

This is a guide for women as well as a workbook, researched and written by a woman who herself had an abortion when she was a teenager. For seven years, author Sheila Harper carried with her the shame and humiliation of her abortion, only to find deliverance through God`s abundant grace. This book is a revealing look at post-abortion pain and guilt, emotions that have been left unchecked, out of control, for months, perhaps years. We strongly encourage you not to work through this workbook by yourself, but to contact a SaveOne leader in your area who will be pleased to help you

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Romanian)

Mai mult decât iertată - Un ghid pentru vindecare emoțională în urma avortului li se adresează femeilor care caută eliberare din durerea și vinovăția rezultate în urma unui avort. Această carte este un ghid, dar și studiu, scris de o femeie care la rândul ei a avut un avort în timpul adolescenței. Timp de șapte ani, autoarea Sheila Harper a purtat rușinea și umilința provocate de avort și a găsit eliberarea doar prin Harul bogat al lui Dumnezeu.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Russian)

Это руководство для женщин, а также рабочая тетрадь, разработанная и написанная женщиной, которая сама сделала аборт в подростковом возрасте. В течение семи лет писательница Шейла Харпер несла с собой позор и унижение своего аборта только для того, чтобы обрести избавление по обильной милости Бога. Эта книга - разоблачающий взгляд на боль и чувство вины после аборта, эмоции, которые оставались неконтролируемыми, неконтролируемыми в течение месяцев, а может быть, и лет. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам не работать над этим учебным пособием самостоятельно, а обратиться к руководителю SaveOne в вашем районе, который будет рад вам помочь.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Serbian)

Vodic zu emocionalno iscjeljenje nakon abortusa - SaveOne je za devojke i žene koje traže oslobođenje od bola i krivice nakon abortusa. Ovo je vodič, ali i radni priručnik, koji je napisala žena koja je i sama imala abortus kao tinejdžerka. Sedam godina se Sheila Harper nosila sa sramom i poniženjem zbog svog abortusa sve dok nije pronašla oslobođenje kroz Božiju bogatu milost.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Slovenian)

Vodnik k custvenemu ozdravljenju po splavu - SAVEONE je namenjen dekletom in ženskam, ki se želijo rešiti bolečine in krivde splava. To je tako vodnik kot tudi delovni zvezek, ki ga je raziskala in napisala ženska, ki je že v najstniškem obdobju imela splav. Sheila Harper je sedem let s seboj nosila sram in ponižanje svojega splava, le da je našla odrešenje z božjo milostjo.

SaveOne Workbook for Women (Spanish)

Una guía para la curación emocional después del aborto - SAVEONE es para niñas y mujeres que buscan liberarse del dolor y la culpa de un aborto. Esta es una guía y un libro de trabajo, investigado y escrito por una mujer que tuvo un aborto cuando era adolescente. Durante siete años, Sheila Harper cargó con la vergüenza y la humillación de su aborto, solo para encontrar liberación a través de la abundante gracia de Dios.

Answering the Call by John Ensor (English)

"Answering the Call" is a book designed to help Christians take the initiative and reach out with compassion and sensitivity to those who find themselves on the difficult road of unplanned pregnancy. With scientific wisdom, practical application, theological foundation, and compassionate understanding, this powerful little book is an invaluable resource for pastors, church leaders, and Christians everywhere.

Life after abortion - Documentary film on DVD (German, French and Italian)

This documentary deals with the theme of abortion through women reflecting on their experiences in the time afterwards. Shortly after the experience, or years after, women start thinking about the procedure. It seems to have an impact on personal wellbeing - more than they would have thought. A gynaecologist, a doctor and a psychotherapist report on their daily experiences in counselling women. The experts did not look for this topic during the consultations, but they keep coming across it. As part of this film project, they and the women affected, allow a view of the depths of an often-hidden tragedy. Produced in Switzerland.

Life Protection Guide from the Lebenskonferenz

The guideline is an examination of the pros and cons concerning the life protection of life. It is the result of the joint work of committed individuals and institutions. It is aimed at people and organisations who are interested in protecting people at every stage of their development.

Pro-Life – Arguments against the killing of the unborn (German)

With this explosive and divisive topic, many believe that one has to decide whether to help the women or the children. This book shows how important it is for us to help both make choices. Randy Alcorn gives compassionate and yet very practical answers to the central question of the abortion debate in a concise but non-aggressive manner.

Why Pro-Life? by Randy Alcorn (English)

Why Pro-Life? Caring for the unborn and their mothers - This softcover book is an invaluable resource for anyone trying to help a friend or family member understand the pro-life perspective. With clear, compelling language Randy Alcorn lays out the case for life, using the power of both reason and emotion.
