SaveOne Course

“I can only recommend every affected woman to face her abortion and to receive healing. A wrong decision must not make us feel guilty for a lifetime! Finally free! I am so grateful.”

– Christine F. (age 70), SaveOne Course Participant

The first step
is often the most difficult

10 steps to the freedom you are seeking

Chapter 1: The Source of Your Courage
Dealing with the abortion and the associated feelings requires courage. Where can you find that courage?
Chapter 2: What Happened to Me?
Many women experience a lot of suffering and shame because of their abortion. Many men feel emptiness and concentrated emotions like anger.
Chapter 3: Dealing with Emotions 1
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - what it is and what are the consequences?
Chapter 4: Dealing with Emotions 2
Shame, depression and anger - what do they do to me?
Chapter 5: Forgive Others
Who was involved in your abortion story?
Chapter 6: Accepting Forgiveness
Who has been hurt by your abortion experience, besides yourself?
Chapter 7: Can I forgive myself?
Let go of the past, live in the present. Here you will learn how to let go.
Chapter 8: Renewing Your Thoughts
Learn to break the negative cycle of thoughts.
Chapter 9: Who Is This Child?
Give your child identity as a person and a place in your family.
Chapter 10: A Brave Woman / A Brave Man
Look forward to the future, no longer remain silent and be willing to encourage other women/men in similar situations.

You can go through the 10-step recovery course with one of our competent leaders either in person or online.

Numerous women and men have already been helped to receive sustained healing and freedom. So take courage and let yourself be helped!

To accompany you, you can get the 10-step Workbook through our online shop.

Men also suffer
the consequences of an abortion

Post-traumatic stress disorder in men

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after an abortion is often experienced by men whose children have been aborted. By denying responsibility for the abortion, some men block the natural grieving process and the processing of the death of their unborn children.

How are men hurt by abortion?

Abortion takes the life of a baby developing in the womb of its mother and ends the reproductive process of men and women. Guilt and fear after an abortion can undermine a man’s ability to trust God, women, and authorities.

Who are these affected men?

Abortion affects not only the baby’s father, but can also affect the grandfather, the siblings and other relatives. Men who marry women who have had an abortion will be affected by their wife’s pain, even if they are not the father of the aborted child.

Symptoms of PTSD after an abortion

Why do men need help?

It is extremely important that men whose lives have been affected by an abortion mourn the loss of their child, end their pain and find healing for their emotional wounds. Forgiveness and healing are available and those affected can regain their protective and parental roles.

Millions of men have lost their children through abortion. Do not allow lost fatherhood to remain a hidden experience ruled by shame, guilt, and thoughts of “what would have happened if…”. The connection between abortion and your pain is real. You know better than anyone else. It is possible for men to be released from the excruciating consequences of a past abortion. You can leave the old, debilitating habits of leaving and disappointing others behind.

In a SaveOne course you can learn to perceive your needs in a safe and confidential environment and to experience healing with other men.

The healing process

You may be confused as to why life often feels empty.
Many men are. They found help through SaveOne courses and other affected men.

SaveOne courses help you:

SaveOne Courses for Couples

We are very happy to offer courses for couples. To find out about this, simply contact Sonja or Chris. You can find their contact details on our Team Page.

SaveOne and the local church

Sonja Horswell (SaveOne Europe Director) explains

“When I was able to present the mission of SaveOne in my Free Church, 10 women signed up for the post-abortion courses. We formed 2 small group courses so we could accompany each of these women into the longed-for freedom and new beginning.
In 2008 God spoke to me that he wanted to bring healing and recovery after abortion to Austria and the rest of Europe. My team and I followed his call to go where God opened doors for us so that families and couples, women and men, could be healed, but also so that the dignity and value of human life would be strengthened and held high right from the beginning.”

If no help is offered in the Christian fellowships and organisations, then people will not be able to open-up and express their needs. You can help us so that families and couples can be restored to the longed-for full health within their own church community, and that many marriages can be saved.
The following statement was made after taking part in a small group course | Christine (70) “I can only recommend every affected woman to face her abortion and to receive healing. A wrong decision must not make us feel guilty for a lifetime! Free at last! I am so grateful.”

We work in partnership with pastors and church leaders from local Christian fellowships and churches so that leaders and/or pastoral teams can be trained for this ministry, in and for their Christian fellowships. We hope that fellowships can then deal with the destruction that occurs in families and marriages after abortion, become more aware of the issues related to abortion, and that they are equipped to lead people to the sought after freedom following an abortion. If you are a Pastor or Church Leader, we would be delighted to get to know you and to discuss SaveOne and the options available. We would also be pleased to offer an Information Evening for interested parties or a day course for future SaveOne leaders and pastoral teams.

EN_Pastor’s flyer, 12 pages, 151×216


Deine Quelle des Mutes


Was geschah mit mir?


Der Umgang mit verirrten Emotionen 1


Der Umgang mit verirrten Emotionen 2


Anderen vergeben


Vergebung annehmen


Kann ich mir selbst vergeben?


Erneuerung deiner Gedanken


Wer ist dieses Kind?


Eine mutige Frau / Ein mutiger Mann